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content | Geologia Sudetica Vol. 25 (1990) Abstracts
| Home Page | Archive | Volume content | Geologia Sudetica, 25 (1-2): 1-27 A geochemical investigation of the age, significance and structural evolution of the Caledonian-Variscan granite-gneisses of the Śnieżnik metamorphic area (Central Sudetes, Poland) Maria Borkowska, Pierre Choukroune, Jean Hameurt & François Martineau Abstract
Wiek, znaczenie i ewolucja strukturalna kaledońsko-waryscyjskich granitognejsów metamorfiku Śnieżnika w Sudetach Środkowych - studium geochemiczne Abstrakt Artykuł zawiera niektóre nowe dane
dotyczące kaledońsko-waryscyjskiej ewolucji metamorfiku Śnieżnika, gdzie od
dawna znane są 3 główne jednostki litologiczne: dwie grupy gnejsów (gnejsy śnieżnickie
i gnejsy gierałtowskie) i zmetamorfizowana seria suprakrustalna (seria strońska).
Na podstawie obserwacji terenowych oraz nowych badań geochemicznych i izotopowych
gnejsów dokonano próby określenia ich relacji przestrzennych i czasowych, ich
pochodzenia i warunków strukturalnych ich powstania. Jako efekt badań wysunięta
została hipoteza przedstawiająca ewolucję badanego obszaru w okresie od ~460
do ~330 milionów lat temu.
| Home Page | Archive | Volume content | Geologia Sudetica, 25 (1-2): 29-58 Alkali amphiboles of the low grade metavolcanic rocks of Kaczawa Mts, West Sudeten, Poland Witold Smulikowski Abstract
Alkaliczne amfibole w skałach metawulkanicznych o niskim stopniu zmetamorfizowana z obszaru Gór Kaczawskich, Sudety Zachodnie, Polska Abstrakt Alkaliczne amfibole, głównie o składzie glaukofanu i krossytu (analizy mikroanalizatorem rentgenowskim), zostały znalezione w 54 metabazytach i 3 keratofirach. Występują one we wszystkich strukturalnych jednostkach kompleksu kaczawskiego. Mogą one wskazywać na metamorfizm odpowiadający wyżej ciśnieniowej części facji zieleńcowej. Znaczenie alkalicznych amfiboli jako wskaźników ciśnienia jest ograniczone, bowiem metasomatyzm i zmiany lotności tlenu mogły także wpływać na ich skład. Interpretacje tektoniczne dużej skali dotyczące kompleksu kaczawskiego, oparte na geobarometrze wykorzystującym alkaliczne amfibole, powinny być traktowane z rezerwą.
| Home Page | Archive | Volume content | Geologia Sudetica, 25 (1-2): 59-81 Pozycja strukturalna waryscyjskich utworów żyłowych w strefie północnego kontaktu masywu Karkonoszy w rejonie Szklarskiej Poręby (Sudety Zachodnie) Norbert Cieśliński & Jerzy Żaba Abstract
Structural position of the Variscan vein rocks in the northern contact zone of the Karkonosze massif in the vicinity of Szklarska Poręba (Western Sudetes) Abstract Four generations of vein rocks genetically related to the Variscean granitic intrusion have been distinguished within granitoids and hornfelses that occur in the northern contact zone between the Karkonosze massif and the Szklarska Poręba Schist Belt. The first generation is represented by apophyses of granitoids and dikes restricted to the exocontact of the intrusion. Quartz and quartz-feldspar veins that fill moderately diping or horizontal joints and tensional fractures belong to the second generation. The third generation consists of aplites and pegmatites that make use only of local joints. They occur in the Karkonosze granitoids as well as in the wall-rocks. They are related to the intermediate stage of the pluton evolution. Veins of the fourth generation also occur within granitoids and wall-rocks. They consist almost exclusively of aplites that fill both local and regional joints. Moreover, they form a complicated, tartan-like pattern in the hornfelses. The veins are related to the late stage of the pluton evolution when its marginal parts were solid whereas still-liquid magma was preserved in the central part. First and second generations are thought to be synintrusive, whereas third and fourth generations are postintrusive. Most of these veins formed in the tensional environment.
| Home Page | Archive | Volume content | Geologia Sudetica, 25 (1-2): 83-98 Wyniki badań petrograficznych węgli kamiennych z profilu otworu wiertniczego Dzikowiec IG-1 (depresja śródsudecka) Grzegorz Jacek Nowak Abstract
Results of petrographic investigations of bituminous coals from the profile of the Dzikowiec IG-1 borehole (the Intrasudetic Depression) Abstract The paper presents the results of petrographic investigations of the Upper Carboniferous (Namurian A) bituminous coals from the profile of the Dzikowiec IG-1 borehole, which is situated in the Nowa Ruda area in the Lower Silesian Coal Basin, in the south-eastern part of the Intrasudetic Depression. On the basis of quantitative analyses of maceral groups, microlithotypes, and mineral components, it is found that coal seams studied display variable petrographic composition. They contain macerals of all three groups (vitrinite, exinite and inertinite), which show changeable proportions in particular seams. Trimacerite, vitrite, and carbominerite predominate in respect to other microlithotypes. The microstructure of described coal beds indicates that some of them are of allochtonous origin. The vitrinite reflectance values (R0mean = 0,63-0,90%) indicate that the coals studied represent high-volatile bituminous coal rank.
| Home Page | Archive | Volume content | Geologia Sudetica, 25 (1-2): 99-111 Mikroskamieniałości z paragnejsów okolicy Braszowic (blok przedsudecki) Tadeusz Gunia Abstract
Microfossils from the paragneisses of Braszowice vicinity (Fore-Sudetic Block) Abstract This paper provides the results of
the micropaleontological investigations of paragneisses which occur in the surroundings
of the Braszowice-Brzeźnica serpentinitic massif on the Fore-Sudetic Block.
The Acritarcha, Cyanophyta and microproblematic fossils have been
found. The microfloral assemblage indicates the late Proterozoic age of the
sedimentary rocks from which the gneisses studied have been arisen.
| Home Page | Archive | Volume content | Geologia Sudetica, 25 (1-2): 113-147 Nowe stanowisko mikrofauny paleogenu w okolicy Głogowa (Monoklina Przedsudecka) Barbara Teisseyre Abstract
New site of Palaeogene microfauna from the vicinity of Głogów (Fore-Sudetic Monocline) Abstract Marine Palaeogene sediments of the
Fore-Sudetic Monocline are recognized mainly by boreholes. In the Głogów area,
previous geological studies have revealed that these sediments occur at depths
greater than 400 m. The deposits are represented by clayey sands, clays and
mudstones in the form of horizontal beds. They are underlain by calcareous-gypseous
sediments of the Middle Triassic. Clayey sands, clays and mudstones are rich
in microfauna, among which foraminifers are relevant to stratigraphic determination.
This paper presents the results of studies of foraminifers from the S-553 borehole.
In this borehole, the marine Palaeogene sediments occur at a depth of 410 m,
not exceeding 20 m in thickness. In foraminifera assemblages, benthonic forms
with calcareous tests predominate. They comprise index species characteristics
of the earlier Palaeogene. On the basis of foraminifera assemblages and the
stratigraphic extent of index species, two generations of microfauna assemblages
have been distinguished: older assemblages, rich in small, radial Nummulites,
and younger ones with abundant Asterigerina, but without Nummulites. The index
species belonging to the following genera: Quinqueloculina, Reussella,
Pararotalia, Nummulites, Baggina, Cibicides, and
Melons date the older assemblages to the Upper Eocene, while the younger
assemblages have been determined as of Oligocene age. The microfauna assemblages
as well as their preservation indicate nearshore facies conditions. The presence
of the two different microfauna may suggest two dissimilar zoogeographical provinces,
which temporarily appeared in the Palaeogene.
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